Garfield Park Conservatory
Over the July 4th holiday, I visited Chicago and its Garfield Park Conservatory. The conservatory was established in the 1880s with the structure pictured below constructed in 1907, and designed by famous Chicago landscape architect Jens Jensen. The shape of the greenhouses was meant to emulate the haystacks of the Midwest. The interior specimens were planted in forms that relate to each other naturally and create "landscapes under glass", a style that was revolutionary at the time of construction. The conservatory is one of the largest in the US at 4.5 acres, 2 of which is under glass. It is known for its extensive collection of rare palms and its popular Desert House.
Spathoglottis plicata, Ground Orchid
Datura stramonium, Angel's Trumpets
Pedilanthus tithymaloides, Zig-Zag Plant
Desert House
Desert House
Welwitschia mirabilis
Not labeled
Gymnocalycium hortsii, Chin Cactus
Not labeled
Anthurium vittariifolium, Strap Leaf Anthurium
Medinilla magnifica, Pink Lantern
Bismarckia nobilis, Bismarck Palm
Acalypha wilkesiana 'Macafeeana', Copper Leaf
Aesculus parviflora, Dwarf Horse Chestnut
Eryngium, Thistle
Smokebush and Japanese Maple
Sarracenia, Pitcher Plants
Nymphaeaceae, Water Lily
Espalier fruit trees
Rear entrance